Concrete5 5.6's config file (/config/site.php) allows us to easily customise some additional features in the CMS.
Here is a list of some useful config settings for Concrete5 v5.6:
<code>// Connect to a remote DB server define('DB_SERVER', ''); //Page list teasers intro area define('PAGE_LIST_TEASERS_AREA', 'Intro'); //Disable concrete5 marketplace integration. define('ENABLE_MARKETPLACE_SUPPORT', false); //Disable help searches in the intelligent search. define('ENABLE_INTELLIGENT_SEARCH_HELP', false); //Disable marketplace add-ons appear in intelligent search results. define('ENABLE_INTELLIGENT_SEARCH_MARKETPLACE', false); //Disable newsflow define('ENABLE_NEWSFLOW_OVERLAY', false); //Disable Newsflow connect to to retrieve latest updates. define('ENABLE_APP_NEWS', false); // Set default email address and site name from website define('FORM_BLOCK_SENDER_EMAIL', '[email protected]'); define('EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM_ADDRESS', '[email protected]'); define('EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM_NAME', 'My Whiz-Bang Site'); // Page Title Format define('PAGE_TITLE_FORMAT', '%2$s');</code>
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