Established in 1922, Horace Fuller are the leading garden machinery specialist in West Sussex.
The client wanted to raise online sales and establish themselves as the main company to go to for Garden Machinery sales and servicing in the area. Horace Fuller won't appeal to everyone because they can't compete on price with internet/warehouse companies so we needed to identify who will buy from them and how to use the website to effectively sell to those people.
Working with the client, I identified key audiences, exploring personas so we could really understand who Horace Fuller's customers are and who they want to sell more to. Horace Fuller do not attempt to compete on price with bargain price websites, instead they are about offering great customer support/service with friendly, professional expertise to their local client base.
A sitemap was created so we could play with the architecture and make it easy for users to search via their favourite brands or by category of machinery. As always the plan was to minimise clicks and make it as easy as possible for users to find what they wanted and to help maxmimise conversions.
Next we moved onto sketching ideas about how the new site could be laid out and function and later turned these into wireframes. The Servicing & Repairs was totally overhauled and proposed as an enquiry "wizard" to make it clear, easy and friendly which has been a great success since the launch of the site.
We then moved onto the high fidelity designs using the clients branding, but with a much cleaner, modern look to bring them fully up to date. Photos inside the shop were taken to help personalise the site to the client and strengthen the idea of the company not being "internet only" and promoting the local shop. When building the site, images are added at x2 resolution so they very sharp on all devices even 4k screens and help show off the products in perfect detail.
The website was built on a CMS giving the client and our team easy access to make changes. Fully responsive so it is easy to use at all screen sizes and with payments are taken via Stripe which is easy for the client to work with.
The project has been a huge success in the following ways...
Happy clients150+
Websites in our care9+
Years trading94%
Client retentionHow can we help?